
Building Purchases & New Construction

Purchasing real estate has significant advantages! 

Benefits from being your own landlord, tax incentives, equity opportunity, Associate buy-in options, leveraging of equity for growth strategies, etc.

We help with research, purchase comparisons, and planning stages, lending and or joint venture partnerships, evaluating a lease vs. purchase analysis, cash flow proformas, equity layout for partnerships, and due diligence.

Once a decision is made to make a purchase or construct a new building, the next steps of the site selection, negotiation, due diligence, legal, design and construction can seem overwhelming.  The Healthcare Realty Network can assist you each step of the way.  Let us save you time and money by avoiding costly mistakes and identifying the right opportunities for you and your practice. 

Whether you are using traditional financing, looking for creative partnership financing, or if a 100% finance development is preferred; we can help.

Contact us today to get connected with an expert in your area.