The Healthcare Realty Team
A partnership of small to mid-size firms that are specialists in the healthcare real estate industry.
We have generated incredible support and buy in from healthcare practices across the country.

The team consists of advisors that have proven a specific level of expertise and professionalism within their perspective markets. Our cohesive and coordinated efforts allow practices to have confidence in achieving premier service and the best resources regardless of what market the practice is working in. This gives peace of mind to the practice that they will only be working with the best in any given market they are in.

Our mission is to create a nationwide team that will give the healthcare industry the advantage when decision making, needing advocacy in various markets, financial modeling, negotiation strategies, professional resources, and peace of mind when comparing options.
We are a complete resource for both local and national groups looking for a partner to assist in their growth strategies. Anyone who has done much with real estate can testify to either the tremendous value of a great real estate adviser, or the headaches associated with an inexperienced or unprofessional real estate agent.
One of the key advantages we provide is that a practice can rest assured that they will never have mixed experiences from just being referred to whomever is available to take the call. These mixed experiences often come when a National real estate firm refers their clients internally to different markets based on who is available, vs referring based on who is the most qualified.

Our vision is to continue to provide leading resources, best practices, and to raise the standards specifically in the healthcare real estate industry. We provide full service and the best service whether buying, selling, leasing, new development, investing, or looking for financial partners for growth strategies. Finally, our goal is to be the nation’s leading go-to resource for Providers no matter what their real estate need.
We are a team of experienced healthcare-exclusive brokerage firms across the country.
Many of our independent advisors and firms have come from the corporate national groups and left for much of the same reasoning. We understand each market is unique and the importance of working with a team of experienced professionals to give our clients consistency in service.
It was our client’s need for a consistent level of service and advocacy that led to the formation of The Healthcare Realty Team.